by Richard MooreI fall out of the foliage of my feelings.
That is the beginning, the ending,
when the orange peels appear
from the shrinking lips of the snow
and broken bottles, still clinging to their labels,
in the gutter outside the church.
A silk stocking coils in the mud.
In the dark season, someone has sown
the seed of confusion. The church will graze
on the flowers, the fruits of love,
the soft nutritious pulp of remorse.
Do these events signify
summertime in another hemisphere?
One studied a new language in the darkness,
looked far down into the well,
into the hints of sunlight in its depths.IIWe are dead such a long time before
and will be dead such a long time after
this leaping into light
as a dolphin leaps from the sea
and carries the glare of that moment
back among the curious creatures
who have not known the light.
Don't tell me this is like Plato's cave;
I know that. But in death, our element,
who swims with us? Do we even?
If God is light...No, but there may be,
as the poet says, a soft monster
deeply sleeping among his thousand
arms under millennia
unnumbered, and enormous polypi.
I think we have been frightened into life
as fish leap from greater fish below.
We cry angrily in our cradles,
then overcome, grow tranquil through the years,
hopefully, ready ever for the depths
ever ready for us.IIIYes, but of course, there is the need
for symmetry. Matter calls out
for antimatter, which forthwith
sings in the shadows. Thus, tonight
streetlight fingers new foliage
with breezes making light of it,
where unseen trunk divides itself
into a multitude of tips
above ground and below, as in
a mirror, strangers to each other,
two lives, depending on each other,
therefore the same life: in dark depth
and moisture one, in dry sunlight
the other: God and Satan, one,
female and male in each one, one.
Dolphins from darkness visit light.
Who from her glitter visits us?
These, lost inside you: look outside
in the not-you: you find them there.
¿Qué es el conflicto? Cuando no aceptamos los hechos, lo que realmente es, cuando escapamos hacia algo llamado un ideal -el opuesto de ‘lo que es’- entonces el conflicto es inevitable. Cuando uno es incapaz de mirar y observar lo que realmente está haciendo y pensando, entonces evade lo que es y proyecta un ideal; en consecuencia, hay conflicto entre ‘lo que es’ y ‘lo que debería ser’. Si son ustedes serios, verán que existe una manera de vivir en la que no hay ninguna clase de conflicto. Si se interesan en esto, si realmente les importa, si desean encontrar un modo de vivir en que no exista ese sentido de esfuerzo inútil, entonces, por favor, presten cuidadosa atención al hecho, a la verdad de lo que se expresa, de modo que ello sea la propia observación de ustedes. El conflicto existe cuando, haciendo caso omiso de lo que realmente ocurre, traducimos lo que ocurre en términos de un ideal -de lo que ‘debería ser’- cuando transformamos el hecho en un concepto que hemos aceptado o que n...
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