....Beyond the serious issue of bigotry, here are a few necessary words on
"hippies," for they earn far more respect than they get. Hippies have proven
an effective and valuable force in America over the past 45 years. Like few
other groups, subcultures, or minorities, they have exercised basic human
and constitutional rights to protest unnecessary and unjust military
incursions and abuses against civil liberties, courageously utilizing civil
disobedience to present a unique moral perspective contrary to the
mainstream. They opened America to a freedom of sexuality, which was and is
so oppressed by residual Puritanical restrictions of right and wrong.
They have successfully fought to protect the rights of animals, encouraging
vegetarianism, thereby uplifting the protections of human rights to a near
guarantee. And those "tree huggers" (a slur) have defended the earth against
obscene violations of the natural ecosystems essential for life on earth,
which we now know are in serious jeopardy of complete destruction. They are
responsible for demonstrating the religious freedom to practice spirituality
in unconventional ways, bringing a vital check and balance to the religious
fundamentalism and intolerance so prevalent around this country and the
world. They are almost single-handedly responsible for the awakening
consciousness towards natural foods, holistic health, and the environmental
importance of organic farming practices.
They have advocated peace, nonviolence, and chosen to live in ways counter
culture to the mainstream, providing a richness of diversity to the American
experience. Who cares if they do drugs and don't want to work in the
conventional model? Whatever it is that they do, regardless if it upsets our
sensibilities, has provided them with a self awareness and consciousness of
a high and rational moral center, and an ethical motive to action few
religions or governments have ever succeeded to inspire.
Hippies are the sages of this country who have defended and upheld the basic
human rights and freedoms all you "haters" out there take for granted....
Here's the artical that cause this posting:
http://www.aspentim es.com/article/ 20061203/ COLUMN/112030059
Love'In You Rev. Marty
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